Are you looking for the best school for your child?
Unfortunately, our school has been closed since 23.02.2022

We are:

… a private, international all-day school

…in a safe, cozy place in the suburbs

…a group of highly qualified and experienced teachers

…fluent in two foreign languages

…deeply respectful for the individuality of the child

…living a healthy and creative Flow-Life school life
The name „Flow Life School„


Scientific studies have shown that the human capacity for development is greatest in flow-state. You learn 3 times faster and work 5 times more productively. We also experience the highest quality of life when we are in this state.
Interestingly, the flow state for children is natural. The youngest children learn to crawl, to walk, to speak in a very short time … But over time this state of flow disappears. For most people who are already in school, this state is unfortunately rather the exception.
The teachers of Flow Life School practice how to be in this flow state themselves.
We organize our school life organically with flow – rich and bright.

Because we don’t want to postpone the meaning of school until later, but instead enable the children in the Flow Life School to live a life at school that they experience directly as meaningful and with a high quality of life.
What we mean is a quality of life that is created through community, contact, communication and one’s own creativity.
So we don’t just prepare for a life with a high quality of life, we live it!


Today most knowledge is available on the Internet and young people are usually very good at acquiring the knowledge they need with just a few clicks, even without school.
So why school?
Our answer: The school is there so that the children can grow up in a community, learn in a community, develop in a community and above all play in a community. Through all of this, the children receive stimulation for their own development through the learning and development processes of the other
Why Us?
Why do parents send their children to our school?

Because we are highly qualified and experienced teachers
… and at the same time our own inner child is still alive and we therefore really reach the children.

Because we teach two foreign languages and have native speakers in the teaching staff
… and at the same time cultivate the Ukrainian culture in language, songs and celebrations.

Because we offer children challenges for learning and development every day …
… and at the same time create a safe atmosphere so that the children can be confident in their own abilities.

Because we adhere to the curriculum of the Ukrainian state
… and beyond that, multicultural and international elements are a regular part of our school life.

Because we naturally promote social skills through collaborative projects
… but at the same time give every child permission to be themselves.

Because we ensure that the children keep their natural motivation without pressure
… and make them aware of what they already know and can do and how they can learn everything new.

Because we live with the children in the here & now and don’t postpone life until later
… and thereby offer optimal preparation for a future life in such changeable times.

Because we meet the children’s thirst for research with real-life projects
… and correspond equally to their creativity with an artistic and creative life.
How do we connect with children?
We assume that every child is unique, has their own talent profile and their own way of learning. We continue to assume that every child wants to learn.
We give lessons and provide excellent learning material and, in older grades, online resources through which every child can learn the subject matter provided by the state. In addition, we design projects and epochs in which the senses, manual and social skills as well as contemporary soft skills are acquired. In all of this we have the inner attitude described below:

We meet with curiosity and respect

We meet every child with the inner question, “Who are you actually”? We also see every child as a full human being, whom we treat with respect.

We provide psychological safety

We teachers create an atmosphere where every child feels safe enough to enter its internal security in which it has access to its learning and social skills.
We make aware what everyone can & knows

What we adults have developed further than children is awareness and life experience. That is why we can help the children to become aware of what they can already do and what they know.

We help children learning to learn

Since everyone has their own way of learning, we approach every child with an open and curious attitude in order to explore together with him how he himself can best learn.

We meet with curiosity and respect

We meet every child with the inner question, „Who are you actually“? We also see every child as a fully human being, whom we treat with respect.
We provide psychological safety

We teachers create an atmosphere where every child feels in safe enough to enter its internal security in which it has access to its learning and social skills
We make aware what everyone can & knows

What we adults have developed further than children is awareness and life experience. That is why we can help the children to become aware of what they can already do and what they know.
We help children learning to learn

Since everyone has their own way of learning, we approach every child with an open and questioning attitude in order to explore together with him how he himself can best learn.
Initial Magic & Prehistory

The founding of the Flow Life School in Vyshenky springs from two historical threads of the life of its founder Kateryna Sudak and Dieter Schwartz.

The first historical thread begins in the
Solvik Skolan Sweden with Intuitive Pedagogy …
In Solvik Skolan, Pär Ahlbom and his companions developed the basics for a pedagogy in which teachers consciously train their own intuition skills.
Dieter Schwartz: “In a 4-week internship at Solvik Skolan, I had experienced how present, lively and autonomous children can be in a school in which communication between teachers and children takes place on a mutual level, adults cultivate their own internal communication consciously and play is cultivated as a human development tool. This not only had a profound effect on my own teaching, it also gave birth to the desire to found such a school myself. „ pedagogy in which teachers consciously train their own intuition skills.

… This historical thread runs through the mentoring of directors and colleges of alternative schools …
Dieter Schwartz: “In my work as a class teacher in Germany, I realized such a school first in the small cosmos of my class. Later, my vision of a lively school was refined through my teaching activities for Intuitive Pedagogy in Western and Eastern Europe and, above all, through my mentoring for school directors and colleges of alternative schools through my insights into various alternative pedagogical approaches. „

…Up to Eductional Experiment & IDEC
Dieter Schwartz: “For 3 years I led a 3-year advanced training course for Intuitive Pedagogy in Kiev. I met my wife Kateryna at a seminar and later moved to the Ukraine, where we live near Kiev in Vyschenky. Here I was invited as a speaker in Ukraine several times, e.g. for the training experiment 2018 and the International Democratic Education Conference 2019. The international exchange on alternative educational approaches has inspired even more my plan to found an own Flow Life School. „

The second historical thread ran through the Kindergarten Зернятка in Vyshenky
Kateryna Sudak: „Since I had my first child, I was very motivated to find a healthy field for its development: first a kindergarten and then a school. That was the heyday of all kinds of early education methods, and I was skeptical because I had experienced with most of the children that they had a great desire of their own accord to explore and get to know the world through play and with great confidence, if this was not disturbed by the adults …
And in search of the balance between natural development and interference (read: upbringing) by adults, I´ve red a lot of books and got a strong impulse to study pedagogy.First, I got a state, pedagogical university degree in Ukraine and then a Waldorf education degree in Germany.
My inner compass then led me to the people who wanted to establish a kindergarten in Vyshenky, where I was there from the very beginning and where I had the opportunity to let a lot of my energy flow into it. The parents of the first generation of kindergarten, who wanted a coherent continuation for their children after kindergarten and asked me whether I would also like to be the teacher for their children, as well as my own growing daughter then gave me further guidance: The next step is the founding of a new school that makes a child healthier and healthier and corresponds to the spirit of our time.
This request from the parents of the Зернятка kindergarten ultimately tipped the scales in favor of establishing our Flow Life school in Vyschenky, near Kiev. „
The alternative kindergarten Zernyatka was founded three years ago and soon became popular with parents looking for healthy and humane childcare. Kateryna Sudak, who graduated from universities in both Ukraine and Germany, was involved in the establishment of the kindergarten from the very beginning and put a lot of energy into its development. The parents wanted a coherent continuation for their children after kindergarten and asked Kateryna Sudak if she would also like to be the teacher for their children. In the end, this request from the parents of the Зернятка kindergarten in Vysheny was the decisive factor in setting up the Flow Life School in Vysheny, near Kiev.
Schools that inspire us
Schools that are close to our philosophy,
have inspired us and some of them have deeply shaped us educationally through experiences during visits.
Solvik Skolan (Sweden)
Summerhill (Great Britain)
Suchomlinskys „Schule der Freude“ (Ukrain)
Education Cities (Worldwide, starting in Israel)
Here you can find answers for freqently asked questions
1. Arranging a personal appointment by phone
2. Meeting of the family with the school administration
3. Meeting of the child with the class teacher
4. Paperwork on contractual obligations
How can we register our child for school?
1. Arranging a personal appointment by telephone
2. Meeting of the family with the school administration
3. Meeting of the child with the class teacher
4. Paperwork on contractual obligations
How are the teachers qualified?
As a rule, the teachers at the Flow Life School not only have a completed pedagogical degree, but also various additional pedagogical qualifications, e.g. for the Intuitive Pedagogy, developed in Scandinavia.
Different pedagogical directions and university degrees such as Montessori, Waldorf, Free Democracy or the state are not only accepted but even wanted, since the peaceful interplay of the different and the alien is a special necessity of our time.
We are convinced that even more than the professional qualification, the inner attitude of the teachers is most important for the educational process. That is why the director of the Flow Life School offers regular further training courses that train such a coherent and for today’s children necessary inner attitude. Some of these training courses are also available to parents and external teachers.
How is the school licensed?
Each child is formally enrolled by their parents in the state school in Vyschenky, where they are certified
Intermediate tests are also taken there and also the state examination is passed there at the end of the 4th grade.
All children study together in the classroom of the Flow Life School.
How are meals organized in school?
In the morning there is a light breakfast for everyone.
At lunchtime there is a warm lunch for everyone before the end of the school day.
In the evening there is supper for the children who attend the afternoon care.
How do you ensure the safety of children?
The Flow Life School is located in a sheltered, closed courtyard on a very little-traveled street. The children only leave the school premises with adults during school hours.
What grade levels are there?
The Flow Life School starts in the school year 2021/22 with the first grade. In each of the following years a further first class will be accepted. The Flow Life School will grow organically in this way, first up to the fourth grade, then possibly up to the twelfth grade.
How many children are in a class?
There are 15 places in each grade level. A group size of 15 children has proven itself in two ways:
On the one hand, a group of 15 children is large enough for group harmonization through diversity, for sufficiently diverse social interactions to stimulate social skills development and for diverse learning and development stimulation by the other children.
On the other hand, the group is small enough for the teachers to be available to each child individually as a tutor for individual tasks.
How is it possible to switch to the state school system?
In the Flow Life School we promote personal qualities, social and life skills and independence. We expect that after a short period of adjustment when changing schools, our students will be able to cope with any other educational system.
Experience has shown that the difficulty often lies in the opposite direction, when moving from a traditional to a humanitarian system.
Is there any homework?
There is no homework that parents have to help with as tutors.
There is only such homework that helps the child to become aware of what he can already do and what he already knows.
What does the school fee include?
- The monthly school fee covers the expenses for rooms, lessons and meals for the child for the entire school day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. including breakfast and lunch.
- The monthly fee for the after-school care center covers the expenses for rooms, child care and meals from 3pm to 6pm including dinner.
- The one-time school entry fee is the prerequisite for a binding registration.
- The Flow Life School provides working materials that are shared by all students.
- The state textbooks are provided free of charge by the enrollment school in Vyschenky.
- Personal workbooks used by individual students are paid for by their parents. The parent community is of course free to organize a collective purchase for this purpose.
There is a discount for the school fee
The short answer is no.
The longer answer is: the school fee is charged to cover the expenses of running the school. In individual cases, part of the school fee can be offset by one’s own activity instead of money, which then does not have to be paid to a stranger, e.g. gardening, cleaning, cooking or regular driving services.
If you would like to partially offset the school fees with such a direct contribution, you can request a personal interview.
What are the rules for using cell phones, tablets, etc.
At Flow Life School, if students so wish, there is a special gadget time of 15 minutes per day during which a student can use gadgets. During the rest of the day, all devices are kept in a box.
Good Fit
For which children / parents is the Flow Life School?
The Flow Life Schule is for unique Children
from parents…

… with confidence in their child
… who trust their child’s ability to learn

… from today
…. who are aware that their children are part of a new generation with a new awareness, new skills and new tasks …

… in the Here and Now
…who want their child to be prepared for a life with a high quality of life by already having a high quality of life in school time …
… What is meant here is a quality of life that is created through community, contact and communication as well as through the discovery, use and development of one’s own abilities

…that rely on cooperation
… for whom cooperation is important and who know that their child already has its value as a human being, without any comparison to others,

…. who want their children to be and stay healthy
…and they want the school to work in such a way that their children stay healthy thanks to the school or become even healthier.

Curriculum & School Subjects
We adhere to the state curriculum of Ukraine. In integrated lessons and in real projects, children also learn the soft skills and collaboration skills that are so necessary today.
Cultural techniques can be learned at an individual pace. Cognitive through relaxed listening. Skills through practical projects and play. Art in creative activity. Social skills in lively projects and in practical cooperation.
Ukrainian Language & Literature

Each child learns at their own pace with the help of lessons, very good practice material, online resources and tutoring from the teachers.

I explore the world

The learning content provided for in the Ukrainian curriculum in this subject for each school year is conveyed in living projects and thus directly applied in real life

English & German

The two foreign languages English and German are taught in a practical way in lively projects and integrated lessons. We have native speakers in the college.

Mathematics & Computer Science

Mathematics is learned at an individual pace.
The knowledge of how to get the necessary information in every situation is also imparted in the higher grades.
Art & Music

Art & music are part of everyday life in the Flow Life School. There are also intensive phases of artistic and craft.

Sports & Play

Sports and playing are also part of everyday school life in our school. Sensory development through playful practice, collaboration skills and other important soft skills are practiced daily.

Ukrainian Language & Literature
Each child learns at their own pace with the help of lessons, very good practice material, online resources and tutoring from the teachers.

I explore the world
The learning content provided for in the Ukrainian curriculum in this subject for each school year is conveyed in living projects and thus directly applied in real life

English & German
The two foreign languages English and German are taught in a practical way in lively projects and integrated lessons. We have native speakers in the college.

Mathematik & Informatik
Mathematics is learned at an individual pace.
The knowledge of how to get the necessary information in every situation is also imparted in the higher grades.

Art & Music
Art & music are part of everyday life in the Flow Life School. There are also intensive phases of artistic and craft.

Sports & Play
Sports and playing are also part of everyday school life in our school. Sensory development through playful practice, collaboration skills and other important soft skills are practiced daily.
Soft Skills

Why and how do we promote soft skills?
Nowadays, soft skills are becoming more and more crucial.
They enable us humans to cope with all possible life situations and enable us to have a higher quality of life.
Some of the soft skills are innate in every child.You can find out how we promote the individual soft skills on the back of the individual cards:

Creativity & Curiosity
Looking for non-typical solutions & having an inner interest in everything new.
We encourage this through real questions, also because if possible we do not offer ready-made solutions, but rather openly and together with the children looking for all possible solutions in learning and in life.

Self-motivation ability
Acting according to one’s own inner desire and not because of external circumstances.
Children are naturally self-motivated to learn. We encourage this motivation by offering interesting and practical projects.

Even the smallest children obviously want to work together.
Social projects and team games promote this ability. A rating-neutral atmosphere, which we cultivate intensively, means that everyone feels comfortable and wants to let their talent flow into the community.

Noticing the condition, feelings, and thoughts of others. „Hear“ with the heart. We encourage the creation of a community in which everyone is respected and one another supports one another. This happens practically in the joint projects, hikes etc. as well as daily e.g. during the closing circle, in which everyone tells how their day was.
Other soft skills we learn primarily through role models:

Open communication
Communication from person to person. Clarity and openness instead of role play and manipulation.
We convey this primarily through our own example.

Solve inner conflicts
Inner conflicts arise when our inner picture of reality no longer corresponds with reality.
In order to practice the inner processes that help to really solve our own internal conflicts, we need the role model and the support of people who can solve their conflicts themselves. We want to be such people.

Social & Intercultural Awareness
Feeling part of something bigger: society, the country, the world …
Since we have foreigners in the college, this happens very organically.

Critical & Phenomenological Thinking
We show the children how to sort and critically analyze information so that they can orient themselves in the great flow of information of our time and not be manipulated. We also show how to think in phenomena; without evaluation and emotional charge. We convey this through our own example.
Still other soft skills are mainly developed through internal processes:

We humans need this ability especially in unforeseen situations.
We help the children to cope with their own feelings in new and unsafe situations. And we have a huge number of games and exercises in our repertoire in which you can also practice social flexibility.

Coping with stress
Stress mainly arises in situations in which we are not fully connected with ourselves and with what we do. E.g. through „must“ and time pressure.
We show the children that the best possible is good enough and that they can convert all external requirements into their own.

Active listening
In the school context, active listening is particularly helpful for absorbing cognitive knowledge. We always offer the children enough physical activity and social contact opportunities before cognitive lessons. This helps to be in a receptive state while listening, in which they can actively soak up the subject matter.

Public speaking
Lectures, appearances, exchange of views, plays, presentations … all of these offer the opportunity to practice this ability in everyday school life.
And last but not least, soft skills are particularly encouraged because there is a need for their development in real life:

Clear communication
Clear communication often depends on inner clarity and outer security.
Social projects and team games promote this ability. An unevaluated atmosphere, which we consciously cultivate, means that everyone feels good as they are.

Solve problems
The ability to solve problems helps overcome difficulties in life and strengthens belief in yourself.
We do not offer ready-made solutions. In a group we discuss the problems together and everyone has the opportunity to express their point of view.

Time management
Students learn to manage their time by learning to assess their capacity for the tasks at hand and to set priorities. This mainly happens when you work independently.

Teamwork & networks
To feel part of a team and at the same time as yourself, cooperation instead of competition.
Social projects and team games promote this ability. An unevaluated atmosphere, which we consciously cultivate, means that everyone feels comfortable in who they are.
The School Day
Daily Schedule
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Public Events
Amusement or Means for Human Development?
of charge
What does Play mean for the child and for his or her learning?
The latest findings from brain research and practice.
The seminar is open to all interested parents and teachers. Participation is free. Time 11 am-2pm.
This seminar takes place in the rooms of the kindergarten „Зернятко“, Verbova 6 in Vyshenky.
Lecturer is Dieter Schwartz – Internationally active lecturer at teacher seminars, supervisor for schools, coach and director of the Flow Life School

This is how you can register your child
4 simple steps to sign up
1st step
Make an appointment by phone
2nd step
Personal interview with school management
3rd step
Personal meeting between child & class teacher
4th step
Paperwork about contractual obligations

In case you have any questions before registering
please do not hesitate to arrange a personal meeting
Why an individual interview?
- To get the answers to all your questions about our school and learning.
- To enroll your child in the Flow-Life School
- To arrange a meeting with teachers and management of the school
For your information, please also read the section: „For which parents is this school?“

It is important to us that the children have a good basis when they go to our school. An important part of this basis is the attitude of their parents!

Edu Costs
School Fees
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08341 Ukraine
Kyiv region
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about Flow Life School?
Webdesigdn: Dieter Schwartz
Responsible for the content:
Dieter Schwartz & Kateryna Sudak