Dieter Schwartz

Human Play Academy

We release the untapped potential of play for the development of individuals, communities and society


Life Quality

Improve your quality of life by experiencing more joy through play!

Powerful relationships

Transform the nature and quality of your relationship with yourself and others!

Meaningful growth

Discover new goals, novel ways of reaching them and how to achieve meaningful success!

The Worlds First Online Course About Play

Learn to live a playful life and create a life you love!

With play as your long lost teacher you will find new ways of living. When you reconnect with play you automatically (re)discover freedom, authenticity, and joy in your life. When you see how play is more than just games and that it is not just something kids do, you can directly achieve a high quality of life independent of material circumstances.

When you start walking the play way of life, you will feel empowered and humbled at how wonderful life can be.


The Play Way of Life

Offline transformations through online learning

The 12 Principles Of Play

Our unique framework of play will show you how play is far more than silliness or games. By discovering and practicing our 12 principles of play, you will open up your life to joy and endless possibilities.

Play & Responsibility

Some people think play and responsibility are enemies. We think they are friends. Discover how play can help you live more responsibly for yourself, other people and even the entire planet!

Connecting Through Play

Connect with yourself and others in a deep and open way by developing a non-judgemental state of being. Learn practical steps to reach what Krishnamurti called the highest form of human intelligence.

What If They Judge Me?!

Do you want to stop your inner critic from renting so much space in your mind apartment? Then learn how to become free of judgements from yourself and others by using play.

Play to Flow

Top performers access the state of flow to achieve greatness. So do the people who live the play of life. Discover the similarities between flow and play and use the science of flow theory to playfully enhance your life!

Not Reaching Goals Through Play

That’s right. Certain goals should be reformulated or discarded because they risk resulting in burnout, stress and depression. But if you connect with the right goals for the right reasons, play can really help you achieve them while having a great time along the way.


Human Play Academy Formats

Play Workshops

1-4 Days – up to 200 participants

We offer Play Workshops of various lengths, for varying group sizes and for different purposes. Our workshops last between 2 hours to several days and can hold anything from 2 to 200 people. We provide people with a very practical experience of play and let the play experience speak for itself. Last time it spoke, we heard words of joyous freedom and intense delight.

Play Walks

Walk, talk & Play

This novel concept is our own invention and it combines play, walking in nature and being together as a group. Think walking holiday in a beautiful setting and combine it with play and you won’t be too far off the mark. Our first play walk will take place this autumn (location TBD) when 20 people or so will walk together with us for one week. Every day, there will be some walking, some play and some space for talking about life, play and everything in between.

Play Academy Consulting

Our Corporate Program

Play can help organisations in our post modern times in two ways: through one-time events (often called teambuilding) and through more long term work where play is used to transform the culture within an organisation into one that is human centered, trust based and allows for a maximum of freedom and creativity. While we are happy to do single events, it is the long term culture transformation that gets us really excited.

A Playful Retreat Week

Eat, Play, Love

If you need a break, a period of time to reorient yourself or are looking for a way to re-energise (or just have a nice vacation), we would like you to come and play with us in one of our retreat weeks. By being together with us for a week, talking about life and getting to do some play everyday, you will experience an autonomous, sustainable and joyful way of living which you can incorporate in your everyday life after the retreat.

The Magic of Play

Play lectures about…

In contrast to our workshops, where play speaks for itself, we also speak on behalf of play and capture audiences with stories (and science) of how play can change our lives. We usually try to talk about the joy of play, mindset shifts and play as a personal and organisational development tool but somehow play always manages to get the better of us and we lose control. Except for when we want to be serious, of course.

Summer Camps

Play Centered Summer Fun

For many of us, memories of summer camps are some of the best summer memories we have and they represent a period of timelessness, joy and delighting in life. We co-organise/lead summer camps every now and then – for adults, children & families – and these camps are a great opportunity to be totally immersed in play for one week (or however long the camp lasts).

Join Our Newsletter?

As a subscriber, you will be the first to hear about upcoming courses, events & workshops and you will also receive inspiring play content from time to time.


Our Story

About US

A Brief History Of Us

We – Dieter and Viktor – have been working towards spreading more play in the world for many years. We did summer camps for children as well as adults, seminars for Intuitive Pedagogy centered around Pär Play, and team development workshops in companies and schools. We have spoken on stages about the magic of play, we created the world first online course on how to live a playful life and we are currently writing books about the untapped potential of play for developing individuals, communities and society.

Recently we held a weekend workshop together with 140 participants in Moscow and after this we decided to join forces and combine our enthusiasm and knowledge of different schools of play! Together, we have created the Human Play Academy!


Our Team

Viktor & Dieter - Founders of the HPA

PÄR PLAY and Communication as Art

Dieter Schwartz

My heart sings when I can help people live as their true selves. My biggest source for this is PÄR PLAY (developed by Pär Ahlbom, Sweden). Two other important sources are Communication as Art (developed by Iris Johansson, Sweden) and my own life experience of how darkness is transformed by light.

Life has given me the opportunity to combine all three in many different ways: as a teacher, mediator, seminar leader and as an orchestral conductor. In all of these areas, I´m interested in the process of developing the social nature of groups. Through this kind of development, bullying can develop into social harmony, destructive competition become synergistic teamwork and personal conflicts lead to deep mutual understanding.

I am very glad that I was invited to spread play in more than 10 different countries and I am very grateful for all the occasions that life gives me to live and share my full capacity. I always feel specially alive when I have the opportunity to help individuals and groups to strengthen their cohesion, commitment and trust in life by developing their playfulness.

PÄR PLAY and Communication as Art

Dieter Schwartz

My heart sings when I can help people live as their true selves. My biggest source for this is PÄR PLAY (developed by Pär Ahlbom, Sweden). Two other important sources are Communication as Art (developed by Iris Johansson, Sweden) and my own life experience of how darkness is transformed by light.

Life has given me the opportunity to combine all three in many different ways: as a teacher, mediator, seminar leader and as an orchestral conductor. In all of these areas, I´m interested in the process of developing the social nature of groups. Through this kind of development, bullying can develop into social harmony, destructive competition become synergistic teamwork and personal conflicts lead to deep mutual understanding.

I am very glad that I was invited to spread play in more than 10 different countries and I am very grateful for all the occasions that life gives me to live and share my full capacity. I always feel specially alive when I have the opportunity to help individuals and groups to strengthen their cohesion, commitment and trust in life by developing their playfulness.

Viktor & Dieter - Founders of the HPA

Experience Joy and belonging through play

Viktor Byström

I am a play expert who loves helping people to break out of their shells and interact with authenticity and playfulness. I am on a mission to promote well-being and belonging through playfulness and I want as many people as possible to (re)discover the wonders that a life of play can give. With a background in engineering, educated at the University of Cambridge, as well as in music and improv theatre, I have a wide variety of tools and practices in my play repertoire!

Whereas Mowgli was raised by a pack of wolves and and thereby learned the ways of life in the jungle, I was raised in a commune and spent my summers at a summer camp for teenagers. This out-of-the-ordinary upbringing fuelled an intense curiosity for people and belonging. Eventually working as a summer camp leader myself, I realised that many people have an unmet need for silliness and play which, if addressed, can really help to improve the social dynamics of groups.

Experience Joy and belonging through play

Viktor Byström

I am a play expert who loves helping people to break out of their shells and interact with authenticity and playfulness. I am on a mission to promote well-being and belonging through playfulness and I want as many people as possible to (re)discover the wonders that a life of play can give. With a background in engineering, educated at the University of Cambridge, as well as in music and improv theatre, I have a wide variety of tools and practices in my play repertoire!

Whereas Mowgli was raised by a pack of wolves and and thereby learned the ways of life in the jungle, I was raised in a commune and spent my summers at a summer camp for teenagers. This out-of-the-ordinary upbringing fuelled an intense curiosity for people and belonging. Eventually working as a summer camp leader myself, I realised that many people have an unmet need for silliness and play which, if addressed, can really help to improve the social dynamics of groups.


The Human Play Manifesto

Our Play Mission

We are uncovering a lost way of living and sharing this with the world. We are excited to spread the way of play because:

Play enables authenticity and gives us freedom.
Play brings joy and effortlessness.
Play makes us present and powerful.
Play empowers learning and development.

Also, within communities, play strengthens cohesion, commitment and trust.

In play, all of these qualities interact and create a powerful synergy so that we experience contentment, meaning and connection to those around us.

The mission of the Human Play Academy is to spread play in the world, so that more people can live a playful life and experience all of the above.



Impressions from course participants

The mood of the whole workshop was very welcoming, safe, joyful, exuberant – as if old friends met. I experienced a great connection with myself all the time and at the same time it seems that I have never communicated with so many people at once…

I felt during the workshop that play was a part of myself and I saw its value as an instrument of self-development, interaction and helping others.

This weekend I was impressed with the simple and I was happy with the new. I studied myself, enjoyed the space and how wonderful others were, understood the important things about trust and aggression. And I played, played, played…

In this workshop I understood: “all of the most important adventures take place within ourselves.”

The participation in the play workshop gave me the opportunity to get closer to answers to pressing personal questions, and to live. I played the whole time, without worrying about anything – with a sense of ownership, comfort and being in a safe environment.

An incredible atmosphere of acceptance, shared joy, trust, contact with oneself. Now I want to stop forcing myself to do so many things without inner connection and do only what arises from this contact with myself, which also makes it possible for me to connect with others. Rebirth.

Countries We Have Played in

Workshop participants to date

Average level of Playfulness in a Human Play Academy Internal Meeting

How much our partners support this project


Frequently Asked

Why should I play?

A very good question! We could write an entire book just on this but let’s say for now that play is a joyful experience that helps us feel alive. Play can also help us learn faster, connect with others and create harmonious groups. If you would like any of these things, then you are more than welcome to play.

Do we play as if we are children in your workshops?

The short answer is “no”. The longer answer is that if we start to play together it helps us switch from living an identity or a role to living as our true selves. When we make this switch, we get access to our full capacity and creativity as humans and we connect easily with ourselves and others. Usually, we start playing as adults and end up being ourselves.

Are you experienced with play in education?

Yes! We have both worked as teachers in schools and leaders of summer camps. Dieter has also been a seminar leader for intuitive pedagogy, a mentor for alternative schools and a docent at a pedagogical university. Viktor has seen the inside of some playful and some not so playful institutions in his university education as an engineer and a musician and this experience is also at your disposal when working with us in any way.

What can we develop if we play with you?

Another fine question! You will develop your senses, your mindfulness and your social ability, just to mention a few examples. You can also develop your creativity, fantasy and your ability to go through challenging situations. You will also get an experience of how to live as yourself in playfulness, in harmony with what you really want, and this will enable you to start implementing playfulness into your everyday life, if you want.

All of this you will achieve with ease and through a process of joy.


Contact Us

Email Address


Cellov. 47
75654 Uppsala

Kosatska 19
08341 Vyshenky – Kyiv region


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